Sunday, July 14, 2013

Dialectic Approach in politics: The first thing that many of us see in this cartoon ad is the big banner hanging in the background which says "Fiction Writers Convention". Right away in our search for truth we know that the narratives presented at this convention are spurious. Then we take a look at what the man in the glasses is saying- "I used to write short stories, plays and novels, but none pay as well as writing campaign attack ads..." In this statement it is assumed that all of the writing he's done has all been fictional writing (which most are respected and sometimes preferred forms of writing). And then we get to the end which creates the assumption that all the mudslinging ads (or attack ads) that he writes are fictitious. This post, in our minds, creates the impression that attack ads as a whole are nothing but false slander. It also brings to our attention that politicians will pay a lot of money for someone to create attack ads to be used in their favor. 

An Epistemic Approach on Theology: Many of us will recognize this symbol, for me, most times I see it as a bumper sticker. But what does it mean? To start off the word coexist means to exist together, another definition that i found said that "COEXIST is a way to demonstrate your support of religious freedom, tolerance and understanding." They both apply to the idea behind this symbol.
 Next we take a look at all the symbols used to portray the letters. A few of them are affiliated with theology, each of which are representing a different religion. The letter "C" is a crescent moon which represents Islam, "X" is the star of David which represents Judaism and the "t" obviously represents the cross for Christianity. The ultimate truth behind this sign- "promoting peace and coexistence among different religions." 

Psychological Appeals: In this commercial we see an attractive woman having to choose between two different kinds of beers, both of which are competitors. There are two psychological appeals presented here; first, they are targeting the male populace with the attractive woman, and second is the beer itself. Many drinkers have their preferred beer, in this case the woman previously preferred Budweiser, but she switched to Miller Genuine Draft claiming that she needed more flavor, smooth taste, and also wanted a cold filterer beer. This persuades us that Budweiser does not have any of those characteristics. MGD is made this commercial for the soul fact that they wanted people to have an ideological shift and switch from whatever beer they prefer, to Miller. 

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